Bosch Electronic Service

General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket Business Unit for the Bosch Electronic Service Webshop (

As of: 09.09.2024

1. Scope

1.1 These Webshop General Terms and Conditions apply to all orders which you (Customer) place through our Bosch Electronic Service Webshop. The Bosch Electronic Service webshop is operated by Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert-Bosch-Str. 200, 31139 Hildesheim.

1.2 The following provisions exclusively apply to our services, maintenance work (repair, reconditioning and replacement orders, as well as related preparations, such as checks and cost estimates) and the sale of new products. Contradictory terms and conditions or terms and conditions that differ from our terms and conditions do not apply unless we have expressly agreed to their validity. The following terms and conditions also apply if we carry out delivery to the Customer without reservation in the knowledge that the Customer's terms and conditions contradict or deviate from our terms and conditions.

1.3 The version of our Webshop General Terms and Conditions effective at the time of ordering shall apply. Deviating terms and conditions of the Customer shall not be recognized unless we have expressly agreed to their validity in writing. You may download and print out the currently applicable General Terms and Conditions for the Webshop from this website.

1.4 The service portfolio of our Webshop is aimed exclusively at businesses, i.e. at natural persons, legal entities or legally responsible partnerships acting in a commercial or self-employed capacity when concluding the contract.

1.5 We exclusively repair electronic vehicle components. Please therefore only send us the ABS/ESP control unit and not hydraulic units. We shall not assume any liability for the installation and removal of the ABS/ESP control unit or the storage of hydraulic units. We shall always invoice you for returning hydraulic units.

2. Contract conclusion

2.1 The services offered in the Webshop do not constitute an offer to conclude a contract. They constitute a non-binding offer to place an order through the Webshop. You may place one or multiple services in the shopping basket.

2.2 Your inquiries via e-mail, fax or phone shall be non-binding. Our price lists, catalogs, brochures, etc. shall also be non-binding. We shall provide you with a non-binding offer based on your e-mail, fax or phone inquiry.

2.3 You submit to us an offer for the conclusion of a contract by placing an order in the Webshop regarding our non-binding offer.

2.4 After receipt of your order, you shall receive an automated e-mail (order confirmation) in which we confirm that we have received your order. This order confirmation does not constitute the acceptance of your purchase offer. The order confirmation does not yet result in the conclusion of a contract.

2.5 A purchase contract for the new product(s) is only concluded once we explicitly confirm the acceptance of the purchase offer, or when we send the new product(s) to you without explicit prior declaration of acceptance. A repair contract is only concluded once we explicitly confirm the acceptance of the order, or when we send the repaired product to you without explicit prior declaration of acceptance.

2.6 Verbal agreements prior to or during the conclusion of the contract shall require our written confirmation to become effective.

2.7 In the event that the Customer fails to accept our cost estimate or subsequent offers within a period of two weeks from receipt, we may withdraw it.

2.8 These terms and conditions shall also apply to all future services provided to the Customer until the effective date of new contractual provisions.

2.9 For orders placed through the Webshop, the text of the contract shall be stored by us and is available to you in the login area, where you can also track the status of your orders.

2.10 The original contract is written in German.

2.11 You can correct your entries at any time prior to placing an order by using the delete button in the Webshop. You can also terminate the order process at any time by closing the browser window.

3. Sending products to be repaired

The Customer may instruct us to collect products to be repaired at the collection address stated in the repair order. The Customer shall send products to be repaired at their own risk and cost if using any other form of dispatch. We shall reject any parcels sent with insufficient postage.

4. Prices, value limits, flat-rate repair order, and cost estimate

4.1 The prices for repair work and any other costs are based on the price stated on the online portal on the order date. The date stated in the order shall be classed as the applicable date in this respect. Any work covered by guarantee shall be performed free of charge for the Customer. A repair order shall only remain binding up to the value limit specified in the repair order. The Customer shall only be invoiced for actual costs incurred if the repair work falls below the agreed value limit. Flat-rate repair orders (i.e. repair at a previously stated flat rate) shall remain unaffected by this provision.

4.2 In the event that the Customer places a flat-rate repair order, the Customer shall not be entitled to receive a breakdown of work performed.

4.3 In the event that the costs for repair work are expected to exceed the agreed value limit, or if it is found that the Customer erroneously assumed when placing the order that the work would be free of charge under guarantee, we shall prepare a cost estimate and e-mail it to the Customer's address stated in the order. In the event that the Customer accepts the repair offer included in the cost estimate in writing within a period of 10 working days from receipt, an order shall be concluded at the terms and conditions stated in the cost estimate. In the event that the Customer fails to accept the repair offer included in the cost estimate within a period of one month, or rejects it, we shall return the product to be repaired in unassembled form to the delivery address specified in the order at the cost of the Customer and invoice the Customer for the costs stated in the order for previously incurred expenses and outlays.

4.4 When ordering a leased device, the price stated on the online portal at the time of ordering shall apply as well as the lease period specified in the offer. The Customer shall agree to handle the leased device with care. We shall charge a flat fee of EUR 79.00 for late returns (one working day after the expiry date of the lease term). In the event that the leased device reaches us more than five working days after the expiry of the lease term, we shall invoice you for the leased device at the purchasing price applicable for a new product. The date of transfer to the parcel service shall apply in this respect. This date shall be evidenced by sending us the consignment number.

4.5 When ordering repaired devices as part of a part exchange (i.e. we send you a repaired device, then you send us the product to be repaired in return), the price specified for part exchange on the online portal on the date the order is placed shall apply. In the event of a part exchange, the favorable price for a part exchange device shall only be granted if you send us the product to be repaired in return within a period of four weeks from receipt of the device. We shall charge you a surcharge of 50% of the part exchange price for late deliveries.

4.6 The transport price stated on the online portal at the time of ordering shall apply.

5. Return and acceptance of products to be repaired, part exchange process

5.1 After completion of the repair work, we shall return the product to be repaired to the delivery address specified in the order. Payment shall be due upon receipt of invoice, unless otherwise agreed.

5.2 The Customer shall accept the repaired device within one week from receipt. Failure to do so shall result in the repaired device being deemed to have been accepted. We shall waive the requirement to receive a declaration of acceptance.

5.3 For repairs involving part exchange (e.g. "Re-Use"), the Customer shall send us the defective product to be repaired within a period of four weeks from receipt of the part exchange device. Returns shall be performed in the form of a collection order through the reconditioning order recorded in the Bosch Electronic Service. Should we find after the expiry of this deadline that the defective product to be repaired has not been returned, we shall subsequently apply a surcharge of 50% of the price already invoiced for the part exchange device.

6. Acceptance of repaired products

The Customer shall accept the repaired product within one week from receipt. Failure to do so shall result in the repaired product being deemed to have been accepted. We shall waive the requirement to receive a declaration of acceptance.

7. Terms of payment

7.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment shall be due in full within 30 days from the date of invoice. Payment shall be due upon receipt of invoice, unless otherwise agreed. However, we may also request payment on demand (e.g. cash on delivery or direct debit) or advance payment.

7.2 We may offset payments against the oldest outstanding receivable.

7.3 In the event of payment default, we may impose statutory default interest of eight percentage points above the current base rate. The enforcement of further claims for damages shall not be excluded.

7.4 Payments in the form of bills of exchange shall only be permitted upon prior arrangement with us. We shall only accept bills of exchange and checks for processing and they shall only be deemed to be valid payment upon redemption. The Customer shall carry the costs for redeeming bills of exchange or checks.

7.5 In the event that the Customer defaults on payment, we may request immediate cash payment for all outstanding and undisputed receivables arising from the business relationship. This right shall not be excluded by deferment of payment or the acceptance of bills of exchange or checks.

7.6 The Customer shall only have the right to offset receivables against counterclaims if such counterclaims are undisputed, legally binding, or ready for a decision in a pending suit.

7.7 The Customer shall only have the right to retain payment if their counterclaims are undisputed, legally binding, or ready for a decision in a pending suit.

7.8 In the event that bank transfers are used to make payment, the Customer's liability shall only be redeemed once the transfer has been made to the account specified by us.

8. Delivery, delivery deadlines, delay

8.1 In the event that our delivery is delayed, the Customer shall instruct us upon request and within an appropriate period if the Customer insists on delivery or if the Customer intends to enforce their other rights.

8.2 The Customer may only withdraw from the contract within the scope of statutory provisions if the delay is our fault.

8.3 Section 12 shall apply to the Customer's claims for damages on the grounds of delayed delivery.

8.4 In the event that the Customer delays acceptance or culpably violates other obligations to cooperate, we may request compensation for the damages incurred by us, including additional expenses incurred in the amount of 0.5%, but no more than a total of 5%, of the price of the items contained in the delivery. The contracting parties shall be at liberty to provide evidence that additional costs are indeed higher or lower. Further claims arising from delayed acceptance of delivery shall remain unaffected.

8.5 Partial deliveries and corresponding invoices are permissible, unless deemed unreasonable for the Customer.

9. Risk transfer

9.1 The delivery is made carriage paid to place of delivery, in other words Bosch initially carries the costs of the parcel service (Incoterms® 2010), unless explicitly agreed otherwise. This shall apply to the dispatch of the products as well as collection of products to be repaired in specified countries. You shall be invoiced for the transport costs in accordance with Section 4.6.

9.2 We shall insure deliveries against common transport risks up to a sum of EUR 500.00. Transport damage shall be reported to us immediately and we, or an expert engaged by us, shall be granted access to the damaged products upon request.

10. Repair work: Defect claims

10.1 The Customer's claims on the grounds of deficient repair work shall expire by limitation after 12 months from acceptance of the products. Any subsequent repairs shall not trigger a new statute of limitations.

10.2 Notwithstanding the Customer's right to rectify defects themselves, and notwithstanding any claims for damages or compensation, the Customer shall be entitled to a decrease in payment or rescission of the contract if the subsequent repairs or replacement delivery remained unsuccessful, are deemed unreasonable for the Customer, or are delayed for an unreasonable period of time for reasons within the scope of our control.

10.3 Any Customer claims for compensation of expenses instead of damages in replacement for the service shall be excluded if such expenses would also have been incurred by a diligent third party.

10.4 Our obligation to pay compensation for damages and wasted expenses within the meaning of Section 284 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB) on the grounds of material defects shall otherwise be based on Section 12. Any further claims or claims other than stipulated in the present Section 10 raised by the Customer on the grounds of material defects shall be excluded.

10.5 The provisions of the present Section 10 shall apply accordingly to legal defects that do not constitute a violation of third-party property rights.

10.6 Any statement issued by us regarding a defect claim raised by the Customer shall not be interpreted as our participation in negotiations regarding the claim or the circumstances behind the claim if we fully reject such defect claim.

11. Sale of new products and repaired devices in part exchange: Defect claims

11.1 Material defect claims for new products shall be subject to a statute of limitations of 24 months following delivery.

11.2 Should a material defect occur within the statute of limitations whose cause was already in existence at the time of risk transfer, we may choose to rectify the defect or deliver a non-defective product for the purpose of subsequent fulfillment.

11.3 Such subsequent fulfillment shall not trigger a new statute of limitations. In the case of advance exchange (1:1 exchange and re-use) of used goods that we obtain from the market and repair, claims for material defects become time-barred 12 months after acceptance.

11.4 In the event that the subsequent fulfillment is unsuccessful, the Customer may, notwithstanding any claims for damages, enforce their right to withdraw from the contract or demand a reduction in accordance with statutory provisions.

11.5 Any claims raised by the Customer on the grounds of costs incurred by subsequent fulfillment, particularly costs for transport, travel, labor and materials, shall be based on statutory provisions. However, they shall be excluded to the extent that the costs are increased because of the object of delivery being transported subsequently to a place other than the Customer's premises, unless such transport complies with the object's intended use.

11.6. Our obligation to pay compensation for damages and wasted expenses within the meaning of Section 284 of the German Civil Code on the grounds of material defects shall otherwise be based on Section 12. Any further claims or claims other than stipulated in the present Section 11 raised by the Customer on the grounds of material defects shall be excluded.

11.7 The provisions of the present Section 11 shall apply accordingly to legal defects that do not constitute a violation of third-party property rights.

11.8 Any statement issued by us regarding a defect claim raised by the Customer shall not be interpreted as our participation in negotiations regarding the claim or the circumstances behind the claim if we fully reject such defect claim.

12. Temporary loan of replacement devices

The following terms and conditions of Robert Bosch GmbH, Robert-Bosch-Straße 200, DE-31139 Hildesheim (hereinafter: Bosch) form the contractual basis for the temporary provision of replacement devices during the repair of a customer device in the central Bosch service workshop.

12.1 Scope of Application

12.1.1 Upon request and subject to availability, Bosch will provide a replacement device for the duration of the repair to the customer who has ordered maintenance and/or repair work on Bosch workshop equipment at the central service workshop. The inquiry must be submitted via the Bosch Electronic Service portal (

12.1.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the present general terms and conditions shall apply exclu-sively. The customer's terms and conditions shall not apply.

12.1.3 This offer is for business customers only.

12.1.4 Unless a fee is expressly agreed for the provision, the replacement device is provided by way of a loan, which generally applies to maintenance and repairs within the warranty period under sales law. The warranty does not cover, for example, wear and tear or damage resulting from improper use. For the provision of a replacement device outside the warranty, the customer shall be liable to pay the agreed rental fee. The amount of any rental fee due is displayed in the text field for the replacement device during the or-dering process in the Bosch Electronic Service portal and is also listed in the order summary. Unless otherwise agreed, prices are net. Shipping costs are not covered in the event of a warranty claim.

12.1.5 Bosch reserves the right to refuse orders for replacement devices without giving rea-sons, particularly if the customer has a history of non-payment, late payment or damage due to improper use. To hedge the credit risk, Bosch may restrict the choice of payment methods or demand a deposit for the granting of permission to use.

12.2 Provision of Replacement Devices

12.2.1 There is no entitlement to a replacement device of the same type as the one being re-paired. There is also no entitlement to a new replacement device. Instead, it will general-ly be a used unit. Bosch will endeavor to provide a device that is as similar as possible to the defective device so that it can be used for its intended purpose.

12.2.2 A replacement device can only be provided if it is ordered via the Bosch Electronic Service portal at the same time as the repair order is placed.

12.2.3 The replacement device provided may only be used at the business premises specified as the delivery address in the order. The customer shall not be entitled to use the re-placement device outside these business premises, to have it used or to make it availa-ble for use by persons outside these business premises. The replacement device shall remain the property of Bosch at all times and may not be sold. The customer shall re-frain from doing anything that makes it difficult for Bosch to regain possession of the re-placement device.

12.2.4 The replacement device must be handled with care and in accordance with the applica-ble instruction manual. If necessary, the customer can request that the operating in-structions be sent by e-mail to

12.2.5 The replacement device will be delivered in exchange for the device to be repaired to the place where the device to be repaired is collected. The customer must ensure that the device to be repaired is dispatched to the central Bosch service workshop (Robert Bosch GmbH, Bosch Electronic Service, Robert-Bosch-Strasse 200, Halle 402, 31139 Hildesheim) within two working days upon receipt of the replacement device. In the event of late return, Bosch may terminate this loan or rental contract with immediate ef-fect without notice. In this case, the replacement device must be returned immediately and in compliance with the following section 3.

12.2.6 The replacement device is sent to the customer in suitable transport packaging. The transport packaging must be kept for the return shipment. The customer is obliged to in-spect the replacement device for damage, defects and completeness immediately upon delivery or acceptance and at his own expense. If there is a reason for complaint upon delivery of the replacement device or if such a reason arises during the contractual peri-od of use, Bosch must be informed of this in detail by e-mail to immediately, but at the latest within 2 days of its discovery. The replacement device may not be used until the complaint has been clarified. Bosch will endeavor to rectify the fault or replace the device as quickly as possible. The customer is not authorized to car-ry out repairs or have repairs carried out on the replacement device provided.

12.3 Return of the Replacement Device

12.3.1 In individual cases, Bosch may make the return of the repaired device dependent on the immediate handover of the replacement device.
a) The customer is obliged to accept the repaired device without delay and is not al-lowed to refuse to accept the repaired device.
b) In general, it is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the replacement device is returned to Bosch within two working days upon receipt of the repaired device.
c) Bosch hereby objects in advance to any further use of the replacement device. If the contractual period of use is exceeded, the customer shall forfeit a contractual penalty of €200 per 5 working days of over-utilization, which may also be claimed by Bosch on a pro rata basis.
d) Bosch shall send a reminder by e-mail to return the replacement device within 12 working days of sending the repaired device to the customer, setting a deadline. If this period also expires without result, Bosch reserves the right to claim damages without further intermediate steps, which may include compensation for the market value of the replacement device.

The replacement device must be returned cleaned, complete (including the accessories supplied) and in a condition that corresponds to the condition when the replacement de-vice was handed over or that has not deteriorated beyond the extent of expected, normal wear and tear. Labor costs incurred by Bosch to restore the condition owed shall be claimed by way of compensation at the same hourly rate as that on which the order was based.

12.3.2 If the original transport packaging of the replacement device is still intact and suitable for reuse, the replacement device must be returned in this transport packaging. Otherwise, the customer is responsible for ensuring safe and proper packaging. In addition, the re-turn label provided (e. g. UPS) must be used and collection by the carrier must be ar-ranged independently. If the customer uses another transport company without the ex-press consent of Bosch or fails to use the return label provided, the customer shall bear the sole transport risk and shall be fully and unconditionally liable to Bosch for transport damage and loss within the scope of compensation.

12.3.3 If the replacement device is not returned in full (e. g. missing accessories), Bosch is entitled to charge for the replacement of missing parts (e. g. missing accessories), whereby Bosch will make reasonable compensation for the increase in value resulting from the new purchase.

12.4 Final Provisions

12.4.1 Should any provision of these contractual terms and conditions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In this case, the invalid provi-sion shall be replaced by a permissible agreement that comes closest to the economic purpose of the original invalid provision. The same applies to any gaps.

12.4.2 The place of jurisdiction is Stuttgart (for district court proceedings, the district court (Amtsgericht) in 70190 Stuttgart) if the customer is:
a) a merchant, legal entity under public law, or special public fund, or
b) has no general domestic jurisdiction, or
c) after the conclusion of the contract, moves his domicile or usual place of residence outside Germany or if his domicile or usual place of residence is not known at the time the complaint is raised.

12.4.3 Bosch shall also be entitled to file a lawsuit with the court of the customer’s registered office or a branch office.

12.4.4 For all legal relationships between Bosch and the customer, exclusively German law applies, excluding conflict of law principles. The applicability of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is expressly excluded.

13. Liability

13.1 We shall only assume liability for damages and wasted expenses within the meaning of Section 284 of the German Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as "damages") caused by a violation of contractual or non-contractual obligations
a. in the event of malicious intent or gross negligence,
b. in the event of negligent or malicious injury to life, limb or health,
c. in the event of assumption of a guarantee of quality or guarantee of durability,
d. in the event of a negligent or malicious violation of material contractual obligations,
e. on account of statutory liability stipulated under product liability law, or
f. on account of other statutory liability.

13.2 However, damages for a violation of material contractual obligations shall be limited to the typical and discernible damage to be expected under the contract, unless in the event of malicious intent or gross negligence, or injury to life, limb or health, or the assumption of a guarantee of quality.

13.3 Any claims for damages in excess of the limits stated in Section 12, regardless of the legal nature of the claim filed, shall be excluded. This shall apply, in particular, to claims for damages caused by events at the time of conclusion of the contract, other violations of obligations, or tortious claims for damages for property damage in accordance with Section 823 of the German Civil Code.

13.4 Insofar as liability for damages is excluded with regard to us, this shall also apply in view of the personal liability of our employees, representatives and vicarious agents.

13.5 No change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the Customer shall be involved by the aforesaid provisions.

14. Withdrawal

14.1 In the event that the Customer violates contractual provisions, particularly in the event of payment default, we shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract after an appropriate period of grace, notwithstanding our other contractual and legal rights.

14.2 We may withdraw from the contract without granting any period of grace if the Customer ceases to make payment or applies to open insolvency proceedings or a similar action for the redemption of debt regarding the Customer's assets.

14.3 We may also withdraw from the contract without granting a period of grace if the Customer's assets deteriorate, or look set to deteriorate, significantly and this fact would impede the fulfillment of a payment obligation to us, or if the Customer is found to be unable to make payment or overindebted.

14.4 The Customer shall grant us or our representatives immediate access to the objects subject to retention of title and release such objects upon issuance of withdrawal notice. Upon prior and timely announcement, we may use the objects subject to retention of title for other purposes so as to redeem any receivables due to us.

14.5 The provisions of the present Section 13 shall not limit any legal claims and entitlements.

15. Retention of title

15.1 We shall retain title to the products delivered until complete fulfillment of all of our claims arising, and yet to arise, from the business relationship.

15.2 The Customer may process or combine our products within the scope of their proper operations. We shall acquire co-ownership to the products resulting from the processing or combination of our products to secure our claims stated on Section 14.1. The Customer shall herewith transfer such co-ownership to us in advance. The Customer has the secondary contractual obligation to store the objects co-owned by us free of charge. The value of our co-ownership shall be determined according to the relation between the value of our product (calculated on the basis of the final invoice amount, including sales tax) and the object created by processing or combining the product at the time of it being processed or combined.

15.3 The Customer may sell the products during the ordinary course of business for cash or subject to retention of title. The Customer shall herewith assign to us the entirety of their receivables and ancillary rights arising from the sale of our products, regardless of them being processed or not. The assigned receivables shall serve to secure our claims in accordance with Section 14.4. The Customer may collect the assigned receivables. We may rescind the rights of the Customer in accordance with the present Section 14.4 if the Customer fails to properly meet their payment obligations to us, defaults on payment, ceases payment, or applies to open insolvency proceedings or a similar action for the redemption of debt regarding the Customer's assets. We may also rescind the rights of the Customer in accordance with the present Section 14.4 if the Customer's assets deteriorate, or look set to deteriorate, significantly, or if the Customer is found to be unable to make payment or overindebted.

15.4 Upon our request, the Customer shall notify us immediately and in writing of the purchaser to which our property or co-owned products have been sold and the receivables due to the Customer as a result of such sale, as well as provide us with assignment documents notarized by a notary public at the Customer's own cost.

15.5 The Customer shall not have any other command over the objects subject to our retention of title or co-ownership, or the receivables assigned to us. The Customer shall notify us immediately about any seizures or other limitations of rights to the objects or receivables owned by us in full or partially. The Customer shall carry all costs incurred by the suspension of third-party access to our property subject to retention of title or securities and reacquisition of the objects if these cannot be recovered from third parties.

15.6 In the event that the value of securities provided to us exceeds our receivables by more than 10% in total, we shall release securities of our choice and to the corresponding value upon the Customer's request.

16. Export controls

The delivery and provision of services (contractual fulfillment) shall be subject to there being no hindering factors resulting from national or international export regulations, particularly embargos or other sanctions. The Customer shall agree to provide all information and documents required for exporting or shipping the products. Delays caused by export controls or authorization processes shall render deadlines and delivery times ineffective. In the event that required authorizations are not issued, or it is impossible to obtain authorization for the delivery or provision of services, the contract regarding the affected parts shall be deemed as not having been concluded. The Customer shall comply with the applicable provisions of national and international (re-)export laws when transferring to domestic or non-domestic third parties the products delivered by us (hardware and/or software and/or technology and related documents, regardless of the manner in which they are provided), or the work and services performed by us (including technical support of any kind).

17. Confidentiality

17.1 All business or technical information (including features that may be obtained from objects or software submitted, and other knowledge or experience) provided by us, if and insofar as it is not demonstrably in the public domain or earmarked by us for sale by the Customer, must be kept secret from third parties, and within the Customer's own operations may only be made available to those persons who must be engaged for its utilization and who are also committed to maintaining confidentiality. Such business and technical information shall remain our property. Without our prior agreement in writing, such information must not be copied or used for commercial purposes. At our request, all information that we have provided (including, where applicable, copies made or records taken) and objects loaned must be returned to us in full, or destroyed, without delay.

17.2 We reserve all rights to the information stated in Section 16.1 (including copyrights and the right to register commercial property rights, such as patents, utility models, semiconductor protection etc.).

18. General provisions

18.1 Should a provision of these terms and conditions and other agreements concluded be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The contracting parties shall replace the ineffective provision with a provision which comes closest in meaning to the originally intended economic purpose.

18.2 We may choose for the place of jurisdiction to be Stuttgart, Germany (for proceedings before the District Court in 70190 Stuttgart, Germany) or the location of the operating facilities which fulfill the contract if the Customer is a business person, or does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany, or moves their place of residence or place of ordinary abode to another country after conclusion of the contract, or their place of residence or place of ordinary abode is not known at the time a claim is filed before the court.

18.3 We may also select a court responsible for the location of the head office or branch of the Customer.

18.4 All legal relationships between us and the Customer shall be governed exclusively by German law to the exclusion of the law of conflicts and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

19. Contact details

Our address:

Robert Bosch GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Strasse 200
31139 Hildesheim

Please do not hesitate to contact the following service hotline should you have questions regarding our service portfolio:

Phone: +49 (0)5121 49 5720

Get in touch with Bosch

Robert Bosch GmbH
Bosch Electronic Service
Robert-Bosch-Straße 200
hall 402
31139 Hildesheim

Telephone: +49 (0)5121 49 5720
Fax: +49 (0)711 811 505 5720

Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 5 pm
Fridays 8 am - 4 pm

Send us a message

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